Monday, January 4, 2010

Being, Blessings and Actualisation

Good morning Frank, How have you been?

I’ve been very well thank you… pondering the meaning of existence and fireworks.

Fireworks! Frank, sometimes you make we wonder.

Good, then I am fulfilling my aim. Aren’t fireworks just the most amazing thing? They work very hard to get high in the sky, make a lot of smoke and noise and then they unfold in the most amazing shapes and colours, joyfully crackling themselves out of existence. And for those moments everyone seeing it is in awe.

OK. So where are we going with this today?

Patience! You are going to need that today. We are on our way to self-actualisation via a course in blessings. So let me fire away: what is a prophet?

Well, that is someone that can see the future, obviously. They foretell the future. Like Nostradamus, or Siener van Rensburg.

Ah, Francois, no. A prophet is someone whose blessings and curses become real in the future. They expand reality to future possibilities and due to the nature of the message, the nature of who brings it and who hears it, the blessings come to pass.

That’s different.

Isn’t it wonderful!? And what is more is that someone can be a blessing. In short, people blessed by being actualised are blessings to all around them. The wonderful thing about this is that there is a way open to all to become blessings, and this is something you can teach.

Wait, wait, wait. You want me to teach something I know nothing about! Doesn’t ‘teach’ presuppose competence, or qualification?

Sure. You are qualified. At least to start. You have learnt many wonderful things from many incredible people in your life and now is the time you start putting something back where all those gifts came from.

Frank, you know what? There are so many ‘systems’ and ‘schools’ out there, so many models and practices… I would be adding my voice to an unbearably loud choir… a cacophony of self-help messiahs.

Excuses. You will be directing a part of that choir, brining the voices into harmony.

That’s too big for me!

Complain as much as you like, Francois. No one has ever gotten away from the calling to be a prophet. That is far in the future, though… baby steps, baby steps. First you must learn how what you know builds up to the skill to perform a simple blessing, and for it to come true.

I am still reeling with the news and you want to start lesson 1! Frank, you really are a little disrespectful of my reality today.

I am nothing. You may be experiencing me like that. And at the moment I am experiencing you as lazy and unthankful, really ungrateful. So let’s cut the perceptions and get on with it, shall we?

Do I have a choice!?

Yes, and you will understand how in a moment. Let’s start with our last three conversations. You have learnt about Respect, Trust and Flexibility. That is your foundation – from these you can move further. Now, note that I say that these are your foundation – they are not the only foundation. Other people may have others…

Gee, thanks. We are still non-prescriptive.

Yes, that is in a way the nature of blessings. For now, remember that a blessing is performed only when you know what the most wanted and wholesome possibility is. So you have to find out what the person wants and package the blessing in such a way that you create a compelling fulfilment of just that. At the same time you are a blessing too.

Where are you taking me, Frank?

Humour me for a moment and allow me to ask a counter question. Sometimes you meet someone and you fall in love immediately, but this is not romantic love. You have a short conversation with this person and you feel, physically feel a warmth, a glow, aglow. And every time you think about this person you feel the same thing – an irresistible attraction. You want more of this person’s company. Do you know what I am talking about?

Sure, I know a couple such people. Some would say they are filled by the Holy Ghost… but one of them had given me this glow experience even before he became a Christian.

Absolutely! Their spirit is holy. And they become an actualised blessing when their faith is turned on, so to speak.

In that case, I have to add something to my foundation.

Yes, and that is?

Faith. Faith beyond belief.

Aaah, you are catching on quickly! Yes, you can add it, or you can consider it to be the ultimate kind of trust…

OK, let me see if I get this right. If I can find out how someone’s desires to be, with respect, flexibility and trust (or faith) of course, and ‘bless’ them in such a way that they have faith that the blessing will come to pass, it will. Is that it?

Yes! You see, simple. And you’ve nearly touched on the next thing… The second principle, if you would like to call it that, is that of reciprocity – you can only instil faith if you have faith, you can only learn of yourself if you learn of others, and vice versa. Give me some examples of people who you think were fully actualised.

Well, Jesus the Christ and Gautama the Buddha comes to mind.

Yes, of course, and there were some others too, some say Ghandi, some say Mandela… We see them as great people. What we pay back is our ultimate respect and trust, faith in some instances, the changing of our ways, ultimately. But what they have done was to bless nations and man-kind first by voicing a different reality. They had already gone some way on the road towards actualisation by encouraging the self-actualisation of groups of people – prophesying by guiding people’s decisions and actions towards the better future that they desired. So, in short the principle is that actualised individuals have showed the road to actualisation to others – it can not be attained in a vacuum.

Wow. Can I get off this bus now? I don’t think I will ever be a Ghandi, or a…

No, you won’t. That is, you won’t get off the bus and you won’t become a Ghandi because you will be pointing the road that they have travelled to others. Also, if you think of the people you have met who have blessed you with their mere presence and company, you will realise that they are just ordinary people.

Even that is a tall order, Frank.

Sure it is, but as I’ve told you before, you are equipped. So stop this faithlessness!

I’ll try.

No, don’t try. ‘Try’ presupposes failure. Do it. Not all of it at once, piece by piece. Remember that faith and effort are diametrically opposed to each other. The more you try to have faith the less faith you have… And remember that faith and work goes hand in glove. Blessing is the work a prophet does and the work of the people’s unconscious minds, their bodies, minds, souls… that is the work that will be done to make prophesies reality. The work you will be doing is to teach people how to notice and point out blessings, and how to become a blessing to others.

Who would want to learn that? From me?

When the student is ready the teacher will appear, and when the teacher is ready the students will appear. All you have to do for now is to write everything down. Now, let’s get back to what people want, and how they want it. This is a presupposition: to know what people want, and how, you need to know how they ‘work’.

Yes, that sounds fair. If I know that someone wants to see something happen (rather than hear it) then I should be pointing them to visible signals that it is happening.

Absolutely. You have to find out the colour, the brightness, the sounds the smells the everything that would let an individual know that they are getting what they want, and what values of theirs will be fulfilled. And remember that every individual wants something different, and in a different way. However, it becomes a little more involved to find out what groups of people want. Not impossible… Some advertising agencies get very close to what people want in certain contexts. And the bigger the group of people, the more work it takes to find out what they want, and to influence what they want. Not impossible… Hitler taught us a couple of lessons too.

Mmmm. Perhaps Hitler would have counted as one of the Blessed Actualised if he did not create the want he created which ate into the very existence of other peoples. He had no respect!

And you have strange insights sometimes. Let’s get back to reciprocity. How do you work? Do you think all humans work like that? What are the most basic operating systems all humans have in common? How do these components work together to make one individual want differently and different things from other people?

WAIT! One thing at a time, please!

Go and think about this: What are the most basic things every human ‘does’?

Alright. And how am I going to do that?

Well, look at yourself and go read a bit. And access al the wise and valuable learnings you’ve had. The second thing is: How do these basic things combine together so that we want what we want and get it?

The answer to this one is easy. Uniquely – there are infinite possibilities and unending, fascinating and wondrous combinations of whatever it is that makes people, people.

Well, said! But you still have to go find out, or recap. Because when you deliver a blessing it must be in exactly the right mix of things that will give it meaning to the one who hears it, that will make it compelling, inevitably desirable.

OK, Frank. Let me go learn.

And may your learnings be like a string of bright beads, moments of illumination, which, one after the other and all together provide you with something of inestimable value and beauty.

That was a blessing!

It was indeed. A small one. Now go create that.

1 comment:

Francois Venter said...

... yes, this is going somewhere. :) I find the fictitious conversation a wonderful way of flexing ideas, so perhaps this is great training ground for me for a book, or books. I am in two minds though - don't know if I should be recapping the NLP presuppositions and principles and whether I should just refer to them and let the reader go explore, or presuppose the reader is NLP literate. ?